Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Favorite things: January 2011

This blog title makes me feel like I am Martha Stewart or Oprah and I should be giving something away. I am not giving anything away...wait maybe I am, but you will have to read through my favorite things first.

January was a busy month. I think I should have some sort of exciting story, but it was everyday life busy. Nothing exciting or fun, just a whole lot of obligation and over committing converging into one glorious month. Because of this I was at a loss for what I should blog. Crafting was pretty sparse, and I was too busy to take pictures. Even if I had a hundred pictures, there was nothing interesting to photograph. What to blog? Then it hit me! I have stumbled into a few things I really like this month. So lucky you, you get to read about the things I found and love.

1- My favorite parenting guru:
Barbara Coloroso

I am taking a parenting class at my daughters' school. It is sort of a kinder gentler version of Love and Logic, and a lot of what we are learning comes directly from Barbara Coloroso. We have been watching her video "Winning at parenting, without beating your kids" I swear everything this woman says is GOLD! Her basic idea is that every child needs six critical life messages: I believe in you. I trust in you. I know you can handle this. You are listened to. You are cared for. and You are very important to me. Love her. I need a Barbara Coloroso App for my phone (seriously, if I knew how to make one, I'd do it). Or better yet, she could just whisper in my ear 24/7. I would be such an amazing parent. As it is I am trying. I just got her book Kids Are Worth It! from the library. Google her, watch a few of her videos and thank me later. Really. Her approach is firm, yet kind, and is all about respect. I love it. Plus, in her video she looks like Dorothy from the Golden Girls. Two words: White suit. LOVE IT!

2-Sock Buns:

Sock buns before bed
Something you should know about me. I love sleep. LOVE IT. So while, in theory, I like to look nice everyday, I like sleeping a lot more. What does this mean? Pony tail. Why get up 30-45 min earlier just to make my hair nice? That is crazy. Who am I trying to impress? No one. The problem is that every time I see a picture I think WHAT?!?! I do NOT look like that. Only I do...and worse. So when BFF Janelle showed me these videos it was revolutionary. I can go to bed looking like Princess Leia, and wake up with curled hair! Sign me up!
Sock bun curled hair at 9 am
And, the curls lasts all day! (excuse the picture, my husband is seldom an enthusiastic photographer)
Sock bun curled hair at 9 pm
As an added bonus, it keeps my hair out of my face when I sleep AND my hair isn't getting damaged by a curling iron. Win, win, win! I will warn you that those videos are crazy long, on the first one, once you see how to make the sock bun, skip to 3:53. On the 2nd one just skip through her talking. She likes to yammer.  As pictured above, I like doing 2 sock buns instead of one. I get better curl that way. And if you have really fine hair like I do, you might want to use a child's sock. Also, saying sock buns is fun.

3- My new favorite "fun things to do with the kids" website:
2 of my puppets
I like to color. So do my kids. This month, at her daughter's birthday party, my business partner introduced me to There are hundreds of coloring pages and articulated puppets to color, cut out and put together with tiny brads. I love them! They keep my kids busy for hours, and they are fun to play with. You should hear the adventures the fairies have at my house. They are pretty girly (what can I say, my house is oozing glitter), but there are boy fairies, a cool dragon, and even Harry Potter has unicorns, so boys don't need to feel left out. Do yourself a favor and run to Michael's for the brads first though. Otherwise pieces get lost, children cry, there is much sadness in the land...not that I have any experience there. I'm just sayin'.

4- Pay it Forward swaps:

I did a pay it forward swap ages ago (at least 2 years ago). The rules say you have a year to get the gifts out to the takers. I broke that rule, by at least a year. In fact, I think my cousin Karley is still waiting. Sorry Karley! So what does a girl with an over due, unfinished PIF obligation do? I agreed to do another one! Then totally forgot about it. I know. Fast forward a year and a few weeks ago.  I got a package in the mail. I love packages! It had that adorable pink bag (Picture borrowed from Beth's blog) in it, a little bottle of Best Press, and some candy. Sweet! So, good news Karley! I am doing it another PIF, and you will be my extra special first receiver. Here are the rules:

1. I will make a little something for the first THREE people who comment on this post with PIF in their comments (Three plus Karley). It will be a surprise and it will arrive on your doorstep when you least expect it!

2. I will have 365 days to do it in. What's the catch? To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too. This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something to people you know. (you don't have to sew, cookies are handmade too!)

3. You must have a blog. Skip that, you can do what you want. Facebook, neighbors...whatever.

4. Once you comment here, you must post about your Pay It Forward on your blog to keep the fun going, with the Pay It Forward badge.  Meh, just pay-it-forward. Blog, Facebook, a note on top of the cookies, your call.

If I don't get three takers here, I will put this on my facebook too. I am a little excited about my PIF plans. They'll be good. Or at least I think they will be, if you, you have bad taste ;)

So there you are. My favorite things from January, AND I am even giving things away. Wow, now I know what it feel like to be Oprah.