I read today that motherhood is like Groundhog Day. I think that used to be true for me. Now, motherhood is like a daily surprise. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good, but the only real consistency is that just when I think I have things down.......they change. I get within one step of mastering the game only to get kicked back to level one. It is humbling, and I often feel like this parenthood thing was a giant bait and switch. I think that until I notice something like this sitting on the table and I laugh:
Sweet and sensitive, passionate and emotional. The girl who feels that an emotion isn't worth feeling if it isn't taken to the extreme. She is always in the middle of some deep thought. She "feeks" out a lot.....and she apologizes a lot. She has the best smile, and gives the greatest hugs.
Not to be outdone, is Eve. This kid is such a kick. Spunky and fun, mischievous and wild. She is mystery to me......and everyone else as well. Last weekend we went out to eat at a barbeque restaurant. Eve insisted on wearing her Snow White dress. Sure, why not?? At the restaurant Eve devoured her ribs claiming to be a T-Rex the whole time. By the end she was gnawing on a bone and growling. As we left the waiter noticed her dress and said "Look how pretty you are! What princess are you??" Did Eve say Snow White?? No, her response in a growling voice was "T-REX!!" Of course. Can't you tell that from the outfit?? (excuse the photo, I took this with my phone)
I miss the repetitive Groundhog Day like days. Surprises aren't my thing. Though repetition wasn't either. There will be a new phase soon. When it comes, I am sure I will miss these surprises. I guess what I need to work on is enjoying the moment. Repetitious and surprising.