Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quilt Giveaway!

Dana, over at Old Red Barn is giving away a quilt to celebrate her 200th blog post! The quilt is amazing and made from one of my FAVORITE fabric lines, Katie Jump Rope by Denyse Schmidt. She is also going to give away two $35 gift certificates to her natural body care product company Old Red Barn Co. All you have to do is comment on her blog! Click on the little button on the left and it will take you right to the post!! The contest ends Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00pm EDT. So hurry on over!

Good luck (but I really want this..... perhaps I should rethink telling all my friends!)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

*sigh of relief*

I heard back from the pediatric neurologist. He called me a few minutes after my last post. Eve's EEG came back looking normal! Can you feel the weight lifting!?!? I am SO relieved. He did say that we aren't in the clear yet. Her headaches are reason for concern, and we need to watch that. She will be on seizure watch for at least the next 3 months, and we have a long list of seizure precautions (most of which do not apply to a 3 year old! No skiing for Evie!) We also cannot go anywhere more that 15 min away from an ER with out medication that can stop a seizure. He feels comfortable taking a wait and see approach, and I am happy with that.

All in all, it is the best news I could receive. I think for the first time in a week I might be able to sleep without 15 trips to check on my sweet girl.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Waiting Game

I know I have all but abandoned my blog. I had such great hopes for March. The grand opening of my Etsy store, 2 quilts, some long over due gifts, and some fun stuff for me. That has all been put on hold. Technically, I could still be sewing, but somehow I became totally paralyzed dealing with a couple of events.

First, there is the looming possibility of a move to Washington State. With that comes needing to sell a home in an unfavorable market, and loads of stress. Just thinking about it makes me want to sit on the couch and eat some ice cream (I did do that for a few days) We should be making a decision in the next week or so.

Second, last week was a rough one for us. My kids have been battling colds and fevers for a bit, but on Monday night when I went to check on my youngest, Eve, she was having a seizure. Now, intellectually I know that febrile seizures are relatively common in small children, and not particularly worrisome, but when a mother sees her child having a seizure it is hard to not be very worried. I called our nurse line and they wanted me to take Eve to the ER. So I get her dressed and in the car and head to the hospital. Jeremy stayed home with a sleeping Aurora. When I was about half way there she started to seize again. SO SCARY!! Now, after a visit to the ER, a pediatric neurologist, our pediatrician, and a battery of tests, we are hoping it is nothing, but still waiting on the results from her EEG. I guess the fact that she had two back to back is cause for concern. Also concerning is that she has started to complain of headaches. We were supposed to have the test results Monday, but they are running behind, so we won't know for a few more days. This wait is excruciating. I don't even care about the job, or the move, or making quilts. I just need them to tell me that my baby is fine. The sooner the better!

So there is my excuse. I will update about both the move and Evie soon (I hope). I hate the waiting game. The worst case scenarios in my brain need to be stopped! In the mean time, I will try to convince myself that being busy would be best, and will have a few completed projects to share soon.